Editing A Document

Change the word "Editing" to "Correcting"

Move your cursor in front of the letter "t" in "Editing."

    Use your cursor keys to do this.

Press the Backspace key 3 times

    This deletes to the left i, d, & e.

Type Correc

    Word will insert characters, moving everything else to the right. This is called insert mode because characters are inserted into the text as you type. This is the default for Word.

Change the word "mistake" to "problem"

First you must change insert mode to overstrike mode.

Double-click the OVR status indicator on the status bar.

Move your cursor in front of the letter "m" in "mistake" in the last sentence.

Type problem

    Word will type over what is on the screen, erasing as it goes along.

Double-click the OVR status indicator .

    This will turn off the overstrike mode.